Thursday, June 19, 2008


I am honored that Cheryl Forberg, RD, a registered dietitian and professional chef on NBC 's hit show The Biggest Loser wanted to be a guest here on our blog today. Cheryl is also an extremely talented author who has penned numerous books on nutrition and healthy cooking. Her latest book, Positively Ageless, is a must-read.

I asked Cheryl the following questions and she gave us some great expert advice.

How do you help participants in the NBC's Biggest Loser TV achieve and maintain their weight loss?

As the Nutritionist for the show, I meet with each contestant individually when they arrive in LA at the beginning of the season. I give them an overview of the BL eating plan as well as instructions on food journaling. Throughout the season, each contestant sends me their food journals every single day. I analyze them, provide feedback as needed and share my results with the trainers and the Medical Expert team.We are trying to implement a program to follow the contestants after the show to help them maintain their loss and their success

What are the biggest obstacles to keeping the weight off?

This varies greatly but many times it's the hectic pace of everyday life. We are all so busy, and sometimes tired. It's a challenge to make time to include exercise in our daily routines but it's a mandatory part of a successful weight loss and for optimal health. The other challenge with a busy schedule is making time to plan ahead for shopping, food preparation, regular meal times and snacks. All of this is often times boils down to reprioritizing. I usually find that the contestants have had a long pattern of prioritizing their spouses/partners/children/job and/or school over their own health and well-being. It's time to put their health first or they may not be able to take care of anyone/anything else.

What are the most important factors in maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

I wrote about this in Positively Ageless. We are empowered to achieve a very healthy lifestyle by making some really small changes in our everyday decisions. embracing an exercise routine; finding activities that we enjoy and will look forward to doing, including - cardio and weight resistance to promote strong bones and muscles and keep our metabolism revved choosing the right foods; focusing on the quality of our calories as much as the quantity of them; nothing artificial or processed getting plenty of rest minimizing stress drinking lots of water having fun

I highly recommend Cheryl latest book Positively Ageless, which is available on Get your copy here

Thanks, Cheryl!

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